MVD 2020 / ISD 2020 Website

Conference registration fees 

Participation Type Registration Fees
(January 31, 2022)
Active participant, Presenter, Co-author with active participation * 150 € 
PhD. students and PhD. one co-author with active participation * 50 €
Online participation and presentation 80 €

* The same conference fee is also for each co-author who will participate at the conference in presence.

Participants who need an invoice have to provide the invoice data during the registration process.

Instructions for payment of conference fee for International Scientific Days ISD 2022.

Please, pay to:

Beneficiary –  full name and address: Slovenska polnohospodarska univerzita, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovakia
Beneficiary’s bank: Statna pokladnica, Radlinskeho 32, 81005 Bratislava, Slovakia
Beneficiary’s account No: 7000066247/8180
IBAN: SK 4081800000007000066247
Variable symbol: 101 900
Remittance information: 101 900 ISD + surname and name of the participant (important for payment identification, please do not forget this information in your payment order).

No cash payments will be received during the conference.