Central European Business Joint project

About the Project

Project Nr. 1005-003.09 “Central European Business” is designed to provide detailed knowledge necessary to start-up a company in different countries of Central Europe (Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and EU in generally) and manage its activities at home and international markets. The seminar plans to use expertise of teachers and researchers from 5 project countries, lecturing theory and practice of business environment in Central Europe, European integration processes and their impact beyond the EU borders as well as managerial and marketing implications in terms to run successful company and manage its territorial expansion in global environment.

Seminar will be organized in 2 modules as a split joint seminar as follows:
- Module in Ukraine, one week in October 2010: “Business environment in Central Europe: European integration and beyond EU borders
- Module in Slovakia, one week in November 2010: “Doing Business in Central Europe and wider Internationally: Managerial and Marketing implications”

Certificate will be issued under the logo of CEI, in cooperation with all partner universities involved. After successful participation at both modules (in Ukraine and Slovakia) students will be awarded by certificate and 12 ECTS at the end of seminar in Nitra. Along with certificate awarded the transcript of record will be issued, showing structure of the seminar (and grade awarded). At all partner institutions ECTS rewarded will be recognized as a part of study in academic year 2010/2011.

Joint programe coordinator
Prof. Dr. Ing. Elena Horska
Vice-rector for international relations and public relations
Faculty of Economics and Management
Department of Marketing
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Slovak Republic

Joint programe co-coordinators and course supervisors
Doc. Ing. Iveta Ubrežiová, CSc
Faculty of Economics and Management
Department of Management
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Slovak Republic

Dr. Krzysztof Wach
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Katedra Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji
31-510 KrakĂłw, ul. Rakowicka 27