Conference Fee

The conference fee is 150 € for each main author of the paper. 

Conference fee:
150 €
Registration fee for PhD students: 90 €
Fee to publish paper without attending the Conference 70 €
Accompanying persons:
90 €

The conference fee includes: 

  • Organization costs, 
  • Publishing of abstracts and papers, 
  • Reception, Slovak cultural evening
Participants, who need an invoice, have to provide the invoice data during the registration process.

Instructions for the payment of conference fee for International Scientific Days 2016:

Please, pay to:

Beneficiary –  full name and address: Slovenska polnohospodarska univerzita, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovakia
Beneficiary’s bank: Statna pokladnica, Radlinskeho 32, 81005 Bratislava, Slovakia
Beneficiary’s account No: 7000066247/8180
IBAN: SK 4081800000007000066247
Variable symbol: 101 900
Remittance information: 101 900 MVD + surname and name of the participant (important for payment identification, please do not forget this information in your payment order).