Conference fee:
Full participation:
Conference fee before March 22, 2013 150 EUR
Conference fee after March 22, 2013 170 EUR
Registration fee for PhD students 100 EUR
Fee with one publication without participation 90 EUR
Participation without publication 70 EUR
The registration fee includes the participation at the conference, the printed book of abstracts, CD with scientific papers, the monograph in printed form, refreshments, lunches on 6-7, June 2013, the dinner and social gathering on 6th June 2013 (Thursday evening) and sight-seeing of the Nitra castle and historical places in Nitra on 7th June 2013.
Banking account :
Please to pay:
Beneficiary - the full name and address: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia
Bank institut: Vseobecna uverova banka, a.s., Mlynske Nivy 1, 82990 Bratislava, Slovakia
Beneficiary´a account No: 7000066247/8180
IBAN: SK 4081800000007000066247
Variable symbol: 101310
Remittance information: 101310 Management Conference 2013 + surname and name of the participant (important for payment identification, please do not forget this information in your payment order)
The registration form is on the conference website
The abstract in English language (max. 300 words) should be send via e-mail to the following address:
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